Student Life
More than 800 students are enrolled in school of medicine graduate programs. In addition, there are 480 medical students and 1,400 public health students in the adjacent school of public health, which offers Ph.D., M.P.H. and combined degree programs.
Getting involved with Johns Hopkins University graduate student life activities provide opportunities for students to network with peers and staff, promote wellness and further their education.
Student Help and Resources
- JHU Student Assistance Program: 443-287-7000 or Toll Free: 866-764-2317 (confidential, available 24 hours, 7 days per week)
- Safety concerns (Suicide, Self-Harm): 443-287-7000 or Toll Free: 866-764-2317 (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week; after-hours/weekends: press "2" to connect to the on-call clinician)
- University Health Services, Mental Health: Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm: 410-955-1892. After hours, call 410-955-1892, press “0” and ask for University Health Services mental health psychiatrist on call
- UHS Primary Care: 410-955-3250
- UHS Urgent Care: Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm: 410-955-3250. After hours, call page operator at 410-955-4331 and ask for University Health Services physician on call
- Medical Emergency: 911 or 410-955-4444
- Harassment and discrimination: 410-516-8075
- Sexual misconduct
- Sexual Assault Helpline: 410-516-7333 (confidential, available 24 hours, 7 days per week)
- Resources for reporting mistreatment
- University Ombuds Office
- Blood/biological exposure/needle stick: 410-955-7849 (5-STIX)
- Chemical exposure: 410-955-6433
- Chemical/Biological Spill: 410-955-5918
- Fire: Pull alarm then, 410-955-4444
- Gas leak: 410-955-8300
- Radiation control: 410-955-3710
- Utility Outage: 410-955-8300
- Maintenance & Operations: 410-955-3323
- Security/Walking Escorts: 410-955-5585 (available 24 hours, 7 days per week)
- Transportation/Vehicle Escort: 410-502-6880 (4pm to midnight)
Graduate Student Groups
Graduate student groups offer opportunities for students to network with peers and administration. For information on additional Graduate Student Groups, please review the most up-to-date GSA's student group list.
School of medicine students can join the Graduate Student Association. The GSA’s primary purpose is to act as a liaison between the graduate student body and the school of medicine administration. We communicate the student body’s wishes and needs to the faculty and administration while conveying institutional ideals and standards to students. Currently, we have an M.A./Ph.D. committee and Student Assistance Program committee, and we hold graduation meetings and meetings concerning health care. In addition, we organize many social events and lectures throughout the year and fund travel awards and recognized student groups. Our goal is to educate and unite the graduate student.
- Biomedical Scholars Association (BSA)
- Equal Access in Science and Medicine
- Gertrude Stein Society (LGBT Community at JHU SOM)
- Graduate Women's Empowerment Network (GWEN)
- Native Circle
- And more!
- Graduate Consulting Club
- Hopkins Biotech Network
- Johns Hopkins Science Policy Group (JHSPG)
- And more!
- Thread
- Project Bridge
- And more!
- Hopkins Marathon Team
- Hopkins Dance
- And more!